
Dog Nutrition – Feeding Raw

Let me begin this post by stating that I am not a vet nor am I a dog nutritionist. I am however, a dog lover and a food lover and have a fairly broad spectrum of knowledge across both of these subjects. In the past few decades, healthy eating seems to have had a lot more focus and attention, as science devotes more time and brains into to the discovery of the benefits of eating healthy and ‘clean’ and...

5 very useful obedience commands to teach your dog

Those of us who own dogs, aren’t ashamed of showing the world how beautiful and cuddly they are and how much we love them. The things we are less enamoured with, however, don’t come out quite so easily. Being dragged down the street, having your carpet peed on again or your bin tipped over and rubbish strewn across the kitchen floor - these are activities we aren’t quite so proud of. Everyone knows that the basics of dog obedience is...

Top Tips for a New Puppy

With Christmas just a few steps behind us there are sure to be many new fluffy four-legged family members that have joined homes all over the UK. Putting aside the separate issue of giving puppies as gifts and especially around Christmas, this blog entry is about what to do now that you have the little fur ball. Getting a puppy is an experience often compared with having a baby. Once the initial elation and joy passes, the hard cold reality...

Why does my dog chase his tail?

For some people, watching their dog spinning around as he’s trying to catch his tail is an amusing rarity, for others it can be a really worrying habit that happens several if not many times a day. The latter can be a very stressful situation for the owner, as well as the dog, who seems unable to help himself. So why does a dog chase his tail? It’s ok to ignore the occasional chase of the tail if it happens very...

Why does my dog pee/poop when left alone?

It can be really distressing to come home after leaving your dog alone only to find that she has peed or pooped (or both!) on your lovely rug, sofa or floor. Naturally, your first instinct is to be upset with her as surely she has done this just to spite you, right??? Wrong!! Dogs, in all their glory, are not capable of committing acts out of spite. They don’t even know what that concept is. There must be another...

Dog Aggression

Dog aggression is always a hot topic of discussion amongst both the experts as well as the common dog owner. It’s very difficult to come by any actual, reliable scientific information on the topic. Most of the information and knowledge available is derived from statistics taken over a period of time from various professional and non-professional bodies. These statistics are used as the basis for forming public opinion, which makes sense, however, these statistics are grossly flawed. “Fatal attacks represent...